Even when I don't have the time to write out a new blog entry I usually will add buttons on the left or banners on the bottom of this blog. So don't miss them because if I take the time to post them here they are well worth joining in!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sorry Been MIA For A While Since Originally Starting My New Blog Here

I am very sorry to my one follower I can see, and also to any friends or anonymous readers who have me bookmarked for not updating since I first started this new blog. I promise it is not because I am keeping the money making secrets to myself.

I was in a lot of pain and tried hiding it from my family so I could keep working (I am a work at home mom and without me earning money as an addition to the small income my other 1/2 is able to earn with the bad job market things fall apart). Anyways it got so bad I wound up in the emergency room, from there I wound up at what now I know was a horrible doctor. Unfortunately though he did my surgery. Which I should have been fully recovered from a long time ago now considering surgery was in August, but alas I am not. The only way I am able to do anything is pain medicine.

Working with new doctors and hoping for good things to come. I am back now though and planning on making some money online again. Of course with my favorite "boring ways to make money online" which part 1 and part 2 of that are my first two blogs here in my Kims Korner Earn Money Online Tips.

Also I will be getting back to selling online BUT going to try something I don't normally do (drum roll) take some good advice I heard before the whole surgery incident, and branch out, and really keep up on each site I choose to make use of. You know, not put all my eggs in one basket when it comes to offering items up for sale. So I will be trying out new sites to sell on. As I find places that work for me and learn how to use them in best possible way I will of course pass the information on to you here. I have one favorite already but I have been away so long some things have changed there. It is still a great site BUT I will wait to blog about it here until I figure out all the new tips and tricks there are well (you can however go to my profile from this blog and see a link to my other blog and read about that site and other interesting things as well).

So get ready to make some money. I know I am ready to start making money again online. Oh and I personally feel saving money is just as good as earning money. So even though I most likely wont blog about saving money so much here as it does not fit my purpose of this particular blog. you will however find buttons or banners etc here for sites I LOVE that help me to save money and get things free etc. and its very true I believe money saved is money earned, not only that but I even use items I get with coupons & sales (a lot of times wind up getting them FREE) not only to save me money on every day items I use st home, but also to resell and make money with items because of coupons and sales I got free so lors of profit there. (but that will be a blog entry all of it's own soon to come).

Again I am sorry for starting this blog and then vanishing but it was for very good reason.

Don't forget to follow! It helps me know I am not talking to myself ha ha ha!

I am BACK! I plan to work on both of my blogs and also start working on others that I had put on the back burner but really want to get started. Happy to be back, will be even happier as I start to earn money again today, gift cards, points etc.

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